
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Planetary Theurgy of Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī al-Maqtūl | Kashkūl...

Visitation for the First Name of God

Economic Hitmen, Fake Revolutions, State Corruption and the Baha'is

Responding to the Academic Shaykhi, Babi and Bahai Studies list

Baha'i Gatekeeping of Shaykhism and Babism in the Ivory Tower

Cyclical Time & the confused “500,000 year” illimitability claim of Bahā’ullāh

The Bayānī obligatory prayer for Fridays (2020 recording recited by a female Bayānī believer)

An example of the Bāb's invocation style: A Reading of Panj Shaʾn (p.327)

The Hidden “Bābī” ꜤAlī SharīꜤatī, Part 1

Ex-Bahais PART II