
Showing posts from May, 2020

N Wahid Azal - Glitch Bottle Podcast #008

A reading of the Birhatiya conjuration oath by Wahid Azal

Fatimiya Sufi Order and Secret Chiefs 3, May 2007

N. Wahid Azal interview with Mona Magick (February 2014)

The Esoteric and the Mystical Side of the Middle East: From the Angel called Earth to Zarathushtra

The Occult War: Chaos versus Harmony

Bayānī prayer for Fridays

The Religion Of The Bayan And The Claims Of The Baha'is

Russian History On Babism & Bahaism

Islamic Theurgy: An Overview (OCCULTURE 2018, Berlin)

Eminent Native Bahāʾī Informers of Empire in the 20th Century: Ḥasan M Balyūzī

“Religion, Medicine and Warriorship” with Wahid Azal

Wahid Azal, Siamak Zand and Keyvan Yahya’i chat about Bahāʾīsm

Dayyān, Concealed Bābī Histories and the Haifan Bahāʾī menace: Podcast II with Stephan Beyer

The Organizational Hierarchy of the Bābīs during the period of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal’s residency in Baghdad (1852–1863)

The Bahāʾīs Chicken Out, and a Bayānī Tractatus Logico-Theosophicus

The NeoCon Circus has a Cow and calling out Abbas Amanat

The Bahāʾī Mafia: parts 1 & 2

Response to the ahl al-Habāʾ: 1