Wahid Azal, Siamak Zand and Keyvan Yahya’i chat about Bahāʾīsm

As a preview of podcasts to come, Wahid Azal, Siamak Zand (freelance journalist and former CBS and SkyNews correspondent) and Keyvan Yahya’i casually chat about the various schismatic Bahāʾī groups; the excommunication of Ehsan Yarshater (the late founder and editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia Iranica); Ahmad Sohrab, Chanler, the Caravan of East and West, and Sohrab’s court victory against the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the USA and Canada; Ruth White and the forged will and testament of ʿAbbās Effendī ʿAbdu’l-Bahāʾ (which was in fact forged by Shoghi Effendi’s mother); the Remeyite Orthodox Bahāʾī faith (i.e. Bahāʾīs Under The Hereditary Guardianship), presently under the fourth guardianship of Nosrat’ullah Bahremand of Perth, Australia; Habīb’ullāh ʿAyn’ul-Mulk’s falling out with Shoghi Effendi and his disenchantment with Bahāʾīsm; Siamak Zand’s family connection to eminent early Iranian Bahāʾīs and the Hoveyda family; that neither Amir-Abbas nor Fereydoun Hoveyda were Bahāʾīs instead Amir-Abbas Hoveyda was a Freemason with his younger brother largely a freethinker; the two wills and testaments of Bahāʾullāh and ʿAbdu’l-Bahāʾ’s violation thereof with his legally questionable excommunication of Muḥammad ʿAlī Effendī wherein Bahāʾīsm effectively delegitimized itself in theory and law; the unchronologized works (i.e. tablets) of Bahāʾullāh; the Remeyite Orthodox Soghomonian group, Yazdānī, and the two rival Orthodox Bahāʾī guardians in Australia; the 2007-09 US NSA lawsuit against the Orthodox Bahāʾīs and the BUPC (Bahāʾīs Under the Provisions of the Covenant) for copyright infringement of the name “Bahāʾī” and the US NSA’s loss of the lawsuit in both the US Illinois District court and on appeal; the BUPC (Baha’is Under the Provisions of the Covenant), i.e. Jensenites; the German Free Baha’is; Abdu’l-Bahāʾ as an official intelligence agent of the British government. More such podcasts will follow in late February and beyond.

SECTS OF BAHAIS: A Taxonomy of Bahāʾī Sects, http://www.thesectsofbahais.com/  
Mīrzā Ahmad Sohrab’s, “BROKEN SILENCE” http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/archives/SohrabBrokenSilence.pdf 

Bahāʾullāh’s senile ramblings: “The Tablet of O Creator of all creation!” https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/8lty3c/bahaullahs_senile_ramblings_the_tablet_of_o

2007-09 lawsuit by the US NSA, the appeal, and its loss
Audio file of appellate oral argument hearing http://www.mediafire.com/file/an9gsnuoq09eno1/oral-argument.mp3/file 

Baha’is In My Backyard http://vimeo.com/22467795

As an addendum to the last podcast, “The Bahāʾī Mafia (Part 2)” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVKgQR4EW4I&feature=youtu.be), journalist and former CBS and SkyNews correspondent Siamak Zand breaks down the biography of Habib Sabet and his rise in Iran’s post-WWII era business world. Bahāʾī “Baghdad Bob” Moojan Momen’s Encyclopedia Iranica entry on Sabet: http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/sabet-habib (read with all filters on).

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