Poem (circa 2004)


In the Name of Love, Fāṭima! The Tree of Life!

Extolling magnifications of praise be unto Thee, O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!

Laudations of endless glory be to the speck of the illumination of the Countenance of Thy Face, O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!

Thou art the Omega and I am the Alpha, O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!

You are the me of my 'I', the Solace of my Being (قُرّة وجودي) and the Being of my Solace (وجود قُرّتي), the Light of Glory upon Thee, O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!

Verily I am the first theophany of the Truly Real created from the first substance of the Solace of Mine Own Eyes, the Pre-Eternal Gate to my own secret Am I, O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!

We are two souls in One body and two bodies in One soul united, my Pre-Eternal ʿAlī [= logos] to Thy Post-Eternal Fāṭima [=sophia], O She whom I love and She whom I love is I!



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