The true meanings of "expulsion from the Garden" and the "Original Sin"

Haykal by Wahid Azal © 2011, All Rights Reserved, Do Not share without permission


فلمّا قرب آدم بِالشّجرة الحقيقة المتجلية مِن الفاطمة عليها السّلام بِقرب الوجود عصى ربّه لأنّ الله سبحانه أمره أن لا تقربها إلّا بِالوجدان المقرب هي الشجرة لا سواها

…And know, observer, that of the mysteries of the unicity of the Truly Real, which in this Day is revealed,  is in regards to the true veracity of Her Holiness Eve, upon Her be the Light, Who was the locus of the [divine] Manifestation of Her age in epi-cycles (akwār) long before this epi-cycle (kawr). And know that the meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil denotes the Logos-Self of the Evenic Tree of Life Herself on the level of [the divine Name] Alive (حيّ) occurring between negation and Light. And the meaning of being forbidden in approaching that Tree from the Truly Real, indicates the sanctity of that Living Tree [i.e. Eve Herself]; and from another perspective, it denotes protecting the honor of women on the part of men, as forbidden approach of men towards women without respect, or the breaking/infringement of this honor on the part of men, is and has always been that sin which from the beginning of the creation of Adam unto now the sons [and daughters] of Adam have continually faced [and struggled with]; and in reality, this is and has [always] been the Original Sin of the sons of Adam [i.e. lack of respect, or outright disrespect, by men for the physical, esp. sexual, boundaries of women].

          And the meaning of  apple and not eating it, denotes forbidden sexual relations without lawfulness, and especially roughness, violence and coercion upon women in sexual relations on the part of men and the breaching of the honor of women by the hands of men on this issue in the approach of men towards women without the desire or permission [of women]. And the meaning of the ‘serpent’ and its ‘evil whispering’ over Eve, means the domination of the potent [biological] sexual urges that without inner discipline causes the deprivation of that god-given, sound reason within every human, and especially transforms men into a state lower than wild beasts in the encroachment/rape of the limit and limitations of the established divine order, and especially in regards to the sincere respect of men due towards women and the protection of their honor which is and was among the first divine covenants and pacts established [by God] with the sons of Adam inasmuch as disrespect and sexual violence against women and the violation of their honor in these specific and general circumstances on the part of men is and has always constituted disrespect towards God and the violation of the divine honor in the lower [material] world because God -- Glorified, High and Splendorous be It -- It/He is She, the Great Mother.

          And the meaning of the ejection and expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, upon the Two of Them be the Lights, denotes divestment and violation of the [divine] command of respect by men for women and the trampling of the honor of women on the part of men; and from the sacred Evenic situs, upon Her be the Light, this was a decree which was issued and was a part of the [divine] covenant and pact in that Manifestation which from that time unto this time has not yet been realized among the sons of Adam which is a meaing of the expulsion and banishment of Adam and Eve from the Paradise of Eden even though the Being of the true Eve and Adam, upon Them be the Light Sublime, at no time has either left or been ejected from the Edenic Paradise given that for their time one was the [Manifestation of the Divine] Will (mashīʾa), meaning Eve, with the other being for their time [the Manifestation of the Divine] Volition (irāda), meaning Adam. Therefore, based on this [principle], the [Divine] Throne carriers on the level of the Divine Will and the Volition, are not nor capable of being ejected and banished from under the shade of the Eden of Divinity, as the inner and outer existential substance of both Her Holiness Eve as well as Adam, upon Them be the Lights, is and has already-always been the Paradise of Eden itself from first to last. And this aforementioned decree issued from the beautific situs of Her Holiness Eve, upon Her be the Scintillances, was an ordinance which to this very day has not been universally observed which is the true meaning of the Original Sin itself and not what the [exoteric/Biblical literalist] Jews or the Christians have said about it ~ Gate 9, Unity 13 of the Persian Bayān.


و بدان ناظر كه از اسرار توحيد حقّ كه در اين روز اظهار مى شود در وقايعۀ حقانيت حضرت حواء عليها النّور مى باشد كه مظهر ظهور زمان خود در أكوارى ما قبل از اين كوْر بوده و بدان كه معنى شجرۀ معرفة الخير والشَّر يعنى خود نفس شجرۀ حيات حوائيه در رتبۀ حيّ ما بين نفيّ و نور و معنى نهىّ در تقرّب به آن شجره از سوى حقّ يعنى إشاره به قداست آن شجرۀ حياتيه مى باشد و از منظر دیگری يعنى حفظ حُرمت نساء از جانب رجال چون نهى تقرّب رجال به نساء دون احترام يا شكستن حُرمت نساء از جانب رجال خطيهاى بوده وهست كه بنى آدم از أوّل ما خلق الآدم تا الآن مواجه با آن بوده و هست و اين در واقع گناه اصيل بنى آدم بوده و هست و معنى تفاحه و نخوردن آن يعنى نهى در ارتباط جنسى دون مشروع و على الخصوص عنف و خشونت و زور بر نساء در علاقات جنسى از جانب رجال و كسر حُرمت نسوان در اين مورد به دست رجال در تقرّب رجال به نساء دون إراده و إجازه و معنى أفعى و وسوسۀ آن بر حواء يعنى تسلط قُوّۀ شهوت جنسى كه دون انضباط درونى باعث سلب عقل سليمۀ خدا دادۀ هر إنسانى مى باشد و على الخصوص رجال را مبدّل مى گرداند به شأنى پست تر از حيوان درنده در تجاوز حدّ و حدود نظم إلهى و بِالخصوص در شأن احترام خالصانۀ رجال به سوى نساء و نگهدارى حُرمت آنان كه از أوّلين عهد و ميثاق هاى إلهى بر بنى آدم بوده و هست چنانچه بى احترامى و خشونت جنسى عليه نساء و نقض حُرمت آنان در اين شرايط خاص و عام از جانب رجال عبارت از بى احترامى به سوى خدا و نقض حُرمت إلهى در عالم سفلوى بوده و هست لأنّ الله سبحانه و تعالى و تباهى هو هي اُمّ الكبرى و معنى دفع و اخراج آدم و حواء از جنّة العدن عليهُمّا الأنوار يعنى سلب و نقض حُكم احترام رجال بر نساء و پاى مال گرداندن حُرمت نساء از جانب رجال و از ساحت قُدسى حوائيه عليها النُّور اين حُكمى بوده كه صادر شده و جزوى بوده از عهد و ميثاق آن ظهور كه از آن زمان تا اين زمان هنوز تحقّق نيافته ميان بنى آدم كه اين معنيى مى باشد بر طرد و مطرود گرديدن آدم و حواء از جنّت عدن هرچند كه وجود حواء و آدم حقيقى عليهمّا السّناء در هیچ وقت خارج و استخراج از فردوس عدنيه نشدە چنانكه يكى مشيّت إلهى بوده در زمان خود يعنى حواء و ديگرى إرادت إلهي بوده در آن زمان يعنى آدم پس بر اين حاملان عرش إلهى در رُتب مشيّت و إرادت إلهى قابل طرد و مطروديت و خروج از ظلّ عدن  إلهى نبوده و نمى باشند چون جوهر وجود باطن و ظاهر هم حضرت حواء و هم حضرت آدم عليهمّا الأنوار جنّت عدن بوده و هست مِن أوّل إلى آخر و حُكم صادرۀ مذكور از ساحت جمالى حضرت حواء عليها السّطعات حُكمى بوده كه تا به اين روز لم يتم تطبيقها عالميًا كه اين معنى واقعى خطيئة الأصلية مى باشد و نه آنچه كه يهود و نصارا گفته



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