The Point's command to habāʾ


For the brother of the Fruit 238* [i.e. Ṣubḥ-i-Azal]. God is the Most Manifest! God testifies that there is no other god but He! To Him belongs the Dominion and the angelic realm then the Grandeur and the Empyrean realm then the Power and the [celestial] Ruby then the Potency and the Divine realm then the Suzerainty and the material realm! He makes to live and makes to die then He makes to die and makes to live, and verily He is the One Alive Who dieth not and the Dominion unchanged and the Justice that does not tyrannize and the Suzerainty that does not alter and the Single Who does not expire! In His grasp is that which is neither in the heavens or the earth or what is between them! He creates by His Will what He commands, and verily He is powerful over all things! Praise be unto God for that which hath illuminated% as is due and worthy of Him!

From the element of the Most Splendorous (az ʿunṣur-i-abhāʾ), namely Yaḥyā [i.e. Ṣubḥ-i-Azal], the written tablets (alvāḥ-i-mastūrih), which hath self-disclosed from the simple substance of ecstatic spiritual attraction, were perused, thanks be the Discloser, majestic and tremendous be He! Exercise a perfect watchfulness over the spirit and vitality (rūḥ va irtivāh) of that considered one [i.e. Ṣubḥ-i-Azal] so that the fierce simoom winds (aryāḥ-i-mushriqa) do not settle upon the heart of that inhabitant; and, in writing and dictation, the means of joy and delight in the acme of perfection should be facilitated for His sake such that He, absolutely, never ever beholds any grief or sorrow, neither secretly nor openly. And take the utmost care of Him and His treasured works (āthār-i-makhzūna) until your own time arrives (tā vaqt-i-khud), for God is with the patient! (my trans.)


*The numerical value of Ḥusayn-ʿAlī (حسينعلي)

% An oblique reference to the 5th theophanic sequence of the ḥadīth kumayl**: 'A Light illuminating from the Dawn of Pre-Eternity…' (nūrun ashraqa min subḥ al-azal)...**

Original MS in the hand of the Primal Point Himself in private hands.


لاخ الثمرة 238 الله اظهر شهد الله انه لا اله الا هو له الملک و الملکوت ثم العز و الجبروت ثم القدرة و اللاهوت ثم القوة و الیاقوت ثم السلطنة و الناسوت. یحیی و یمیت ثم یمیت و یحیی و انه هو حی لایموت و ملک لایزول و عدل لایجور و سلطان لایحول و فرد لایفوت عن قبضته من شئ لا فی السموات و لا فی الارض و لا ما بینهما یخلق ما یشاء بامره انه کان علی کل شئ قدیراً. الحمد لله علی ما اشرق کما هو اهله و مستحق

از عنصر ابهی، سمی یحیی الواح که از جوهر وله و سازج انجذاب متجلی گشته مشاهده الشکر لمجلیه جل و عز کمال تراقب در روح و ارتواح آن منظور داشته که اریاح مشرقه بر فؤاد آن ساکن نگردد و اسباب شوق در خط و املاء بر نهج کمال از برای او فراهم آورده که مطلق مشاهدئی حزنی نه سراً و نه جهراً ننماید و کمال حفظ در حق اون و آثار مخزونئى آن داشته تا وقت خود و الله مع الصابرین



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