Happy Bayānī year 176



The new Bayānī year begins today. Today (8 March 2023 CE) is the 1st of Bahāʾ (Splendor) in the innovative, All-Things enumerated Bayānī year 176. The Bayānī calendar is one of several calendars the NUR-FSO uses concurrently. This calendar is a strict calendar of 361 days per year and began as of 21 March 1850 CE. Per the first chapter and 3rd grade (sub-section) of the Book of the Five Grades (كتاب پنج شأن) written by the Primal Point between 21 March to mid April 1850 CE (Lithograph edition, n.d., p.19), either the following formulaic dhikr/invocation is to be used today x361


إنّني أنا الله لا إله إلّا أنا الأرفع الأرفع

Verily I am God no other god is there besides Me the Most Elevated, the Most Elevated!


Or the tahlīl لا إله إلّا الله 361x  to the numerical value of All-Thingsكلّ شيء   (19x19 = 361).


The recitation of either of these to that number on this day is claimed by the Bāb to bring all the divine protections, blessings and bounties to the reciter for the rest of the year.


The Spirit of the Messiah of Shiraz lives!

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