A concluding prayer of barāʾa (disavowal) by Mulla Muḥammad ʿAlī Bārfurūshī Quddūs, the Last Name of God (ism’ullāh al-ākhir) (d. 1849)


Source: Māzandarānī, uhūr al-aqq, vol. 3: 339.

O God, inspire every believer to curse them and all servants to disassociate (tabarrī) from them! O God, put them in the earth/the land (al-ar) such that they cannot do a thing about the matter [or ‘the Cause/Command’], for they are those afraid in every state, and about them are avengers [against them], because they have harmed Thy Logos-Self and befriended Thy enemy and slandered Thee and established the foundation of tyranny with [meaning, ‘against’] Thee and cut Thy Mercy [or ‘womb’] and made Satan appear among them and did not disavow him! O God, I conclude these words by renouncing (barāʾa) them while clinging to the [salvific] cord of Thy Remembrance and His followers, and I say by Thy decree, O God,  blessings be upon Thy Remembrance and the family of Thy Remembrance! Thou art praiseworthy to them! And gather me by Thy Mercy in every state with them! Verily Thou art the Most Merciful of all Mercifiers! (my trans.)


اللهمّ اَلهَم كلّ مؤمن لعنهم وكلّ عبد التبرّي منهم، اللهمّ أجعلهم في الأرض بِـحيث لا يستطنعون بشيء مِن الأمر وهم في كلّ شأن خائفون وعنهم منتقمون لِانّهم قد آذوا نفسك ووالوا عدوك وافتروا عليك وأسسّوا أساس الظّلم بِك وقطعوا رحمك وظهرالشّيطان بينهم ولم يتبرّئوا منه، اللهمّ إنّي أختم الكلام بِالبرائة عنهم والتّمسّك بحبل ذكرك وأتباعه، فأقول مِن حكمك اللهمّ صلّ على ذكرك وآل ذكرك إنّك حميد عليهم واحشرني بِرحمتك في كلّ شأن معهم إنّك أنت أرحم الرّاحمين

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