Mahsa (ع) is Ḥusayn (ع)



Today is ʿAshūra, the 10th of Muḥarram, commemorating the martyrdom of the 3rd Imām Ḥusayn (ع) and His 72 partisans on the plain of Karbalā. While the exoteric believer has turned this event into merely an annual ritual and rite empty of its greater significance beyond a singular tragedy occurring in history; he or she has missed forest for the trees and has probably not prevented him or herself from becoming the very embodiment of the forces that oppressed and slew the Imām (ع) and His partisans in 680 CE because as with all such 'events', it is an already-always living archetype extending beyond its own spatiotemporal and material unfolding.

Today we have an ongoing Karbalā happening in Iran (and elsewhere) with all those maimed, killed, abused, persecuted and humiliated by a satanic system in place in the garb of religion being the manifestations of Ḥusayn (ع) and His 72 partisans. Mahsa Amini (ع) was a Manifestation of the Spirit of Husayn (ع). Nika Shahkarami (ع) was the Manifestation of the Spirit of Husayn. 9-year old Kian Pirfalak (ع) was the archetypal 'return' of the baby ʿAlī Asghar (ع), etc. Make no mistakes that with God, the angels and the concourses of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, this is the singular Truth of the matter!

Today the Name of Husayn (ع) bears the names of these martyrs with the malevolent spirit of Yazid, Shimr and the Ummayads bearing the names of the Islamic Republic, Khamenei, the Basij and similar.

Those who possess the noetic Eyes of Fire will behold this Reality as it is whereas those who deny it are doomed to embody the infernal archetypes of Ḥusayn's (ع) oppressors and murderers in this life and the next.


مهسا مِني وأنا مِن مهسا لأنّ كلّ يوم عاشورا وكلّ بلد كربلاء وكلّ مظلوم حسين ع

يا مهسا يا حسين


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