Are Americans dumbasses?



Why has Osama bin Laden been resurrected from the grave and suddenly made the hero of the hour to many Americans standing with Palestine for a letter he publicized 21 years ago? There is something quite fishy and sinister about this, and those Americans gushing over the piece are once again showing Americans to be easily manipulated simpletons and epic dumbasses.

Sure, very good points are made in the letter. But so what? What his letter to the American people in 2002 failed to mention was that he himself and his al-Qaeda were a literal creation of the very American system that he rails against, not to mention his family have been beneficiaries of capitalism. It was the CIA who funded him and his Arab Afghan Mujahideen into existence and guided them to victory against the USSR in the '80s, and it was these same Arab Afghan Mujahideen who then reconstituted themselves with America's blessing and under Osama's leadership as al-Qaeda. Osama was a CIA asset all along. Duh!

So now he is to be lionized because he uttered anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist statements in a letter from 2002? Take it from us Iranians, not every long beard who utters anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist statements is to be believed or taken on face value. We know better than anyone else that it takes a lot more than just statements like that and platitudes to prove sincerity, esp. from the long beards.

Methinks this current TikTok brouhaha and Osama's putative resurrection from the grave is yet another underhanded attempt to discredit the pro-Palestinian momentum forming around the world, and by the usual suspects. People really ought to exercise a lot more political discernment and intellectual acumen than that and not just walk into any obvious trap put in front of them with such transparent ease. Jeez!


Guardian Removes Osama Bin Laden's "Letter To America" Amid Viral Trend Driven By Israel-Hamas War

Cached version of Guardian post now taken down:


This Twitter/X thread also makes for some interesting analysis and background context:

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