Possession, one of its reasons, and a tale of Exorcism



Demonic possession is a real phenomenon, but genuine, diagnosable cases can be rare. Extreme schizophrenia can be one sign where a victim hears literal, external voices in their head. Self-mutilation is another. Physical symptoms can vary from case to case, but one sign is extreme anemia where a victim becomes so anemic that they begin to resemble a corpse.


In 2006 I personally dealt with the case of a local woman here in Queensland, Australia. The woman had been seeing a close friend of mine at a university, and suddenly without warning the signs and symptoms of the possession kicked in. Her symptoms became so bad that she had to be hospitalized within a week. Diagnoses by the doctors yielded very little concrete information and had these professional physicians completely baffled, esp. as this woman's condition rapidly deteriorated from one day to the next within a two week period, thus forcing the hospital establishment to declare her a "ward of the state" because she had lost all control of her faculties and had become a near vegetable.


In desperation, my friend called me in and so we went to the psychiatric ward of the hospital she was being kept at together. When the nurses and doctors left her room, I did a brief examination myself while reciting the Aya Kursi  repeatedly when her body suddenly began to momentarily twitch violently until I stopped. When she opened her eyes as a result, and I looked into them deeply, it was then and there obvious to me that something had completely taken over this woman and was literally sucking the life force out of her - and fast. So I decided to act - or, at least, try - but this would have to be at a distance since there was no way the hospital would've let me stay in order to perform a full-blown exorcism overnight, and esp. someone like me, a 30-something (at the time) Iranian man with an American accent claiming to be some "Sufi Islamic magician and exorcist." Note that this woman (my friend's gf at that time) was named Lenore, which is either a francophied and then anglified form of the Arabic al-NUR (the Light).


To make a long story short, I battled the entity that had possessed Lenore for a six month period - and, let me tell you, it was a real battle to save this woman. However, the more I battled it, ever so slightly her condition started to improve, with the doctors still stumped as to what her condition even was. The occult battles with this entity and myself started becoming quite intense and slightly before I banished it, it literally started invading my dreams. At the end of the sixth month period, at my altar one day, I literally threatened this entity by saying that I would kill its host using the concourses of the Greatest Name to do so if it didn't leave her immediately. After finishing the ritual where I had threatened this thing, I left my apartment for a roughly 45-minute period (but under an hour) to run some errands only to return home to find every inch of it completely flooded except for the edge, periphery and general circumference around my magical altar which was completely dry and where the water had totally stopped. No pipe had burst, no water main had ruptured, with the plumber and I later completely baffled to even figure out and locate its source, and how and why such a large amount of water had even ended up in my apartment in such a short period of time because there was a lot of it.


About an hour after I had returned to my apartment to find a miniature Noah's flood having occurred in it, I got a phone call from my friend to tell me that the hospital had just called to inform him that Lenore had suddenly made a recovery and returned to full consciousness, since like I mentioned, she had become a veritable vegetable for most of that time and declared a "ward of the state." Around two weeks later, after being in the psychiatric ward of a major SE QLD hospital for nearly 7 months, Lenore was discharged with a clean bill of physical and mental health.


One month later, I invited my friend and Lenore to spend a full day with me debriefing where I got Lenore - to the extent that she was comfortable with it - to give me a full history of herself. I let her offer me this information herself, and what she told me confirmed many things I had already suspected. She said that the boyfriend she was with before my friend was an amateur occultist obsessed with the works of Aleister Crowley and the Western Satanist occult LHP in general. She had broken up with this guy because he had proven himself a serious head case and even a physical threat to her. But before she had, apparently he had forced her into a Sex Magick ritual with him where during it both had invoked an assortment of demons and entities from a grimoire he had taken the ritual from. A few days later Lenore had broken up with the guy and maybe a month or so after that had connected with my friend. At roughly the three-and-a-half month mark, things had kicked in with a vengeance.


That said, one of the usual means by which the transmission of such entities that possess people usually occurs is through sex, and particularly intercourse (protected or unprotected doesn't seem to make any difference). The reasons are manifold here, and if I were to detail them, this post would become a real mammoth. I later saw a few more similar cases like Lenore's, and esp. in Germany where I dealt with another woman in our neighborhood of Niederschönhausen, Pankow, (north-east) Berlin during 2014 whose case was very similar to Lenore's case and where this woman later confessed to me that she had been sleeping around a fair bit, although the outcome of this case was a much easier one to deal with and the entity left its hosts much quicker than the entity that had possessed Lenore in 2006.


The moral of the story is this, besides the biological and/or ethical (religious) reasons, on the occult level one has to be extremely careful and selective as to who one goes to bed with because, in some cases, it could actually lead to a near-fatal situation like the one I confronted with Lenore. But if you are single or polyamorous and are not going to practice either a fully disciplined abstinence regime or safe sex with people who you do not completely know or whose sexual or occult history is not 100% known to you, at least carry amulets with yourself.

Additionally, if people you think you want to sleep with are not going to be forthright or completely honest with you about their history, for your own safety walk away from them and dump them - and I give this advice especially to women. For the promiscuous men out there, you may want to reassess your choices because if you are sleeping around, you may be attracting assorted succubi to yourself or you are becoming the carrier of psychic and occult energies that you then transmit to others. This is especially the case for men who sleep with prostitutes - and on a regular basis. The porn industry is yet another, and I have had one experience with a woman I cleared and advised briefly who had once worked as an actress in the porn industry, claiming to have slept on screen with nearly 100 male porn actors.


Now, I am neither a prude or some reactionary religious preacher hung up on sex because I fully understand hormones (having them myself) and the human god-given need and right for physical, sexual intimacy. The reasons I am spelling out here are purely metaphysical rather than even being moralistic or religious. And so on that point, and as I never tire in saying, the Greatest Name symbol is probably one of the greatest symbolic weapons and shields to the end of metaphysical self-protection that I have ever encountered and in some cases it may even save your life, whether in a close proximity or at a distance.


This world of ours has many unseen forces that many do not properly understand. As liberating as perhaps the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s may have been on one level; on another level it has unleashed problems that are only now beginning to be noticed or understood: spiritual, biological, psychological, social and political – even economic. In my opinion, the literal explosion of mental illness throughout the world over the past 30-40 years - and particularly bi-polar manic depression and extreme cases like the ones I detailed - is one of its many outcomes. FYI


والنُّور على مَن اتبع إشراقات الهدى


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