A comment I made to someone re: Saadia Khan


The pervasiveness of broken homes at this time is a product of capitalism with its black sorcery of perception management and marketing which it successfully uses as social engineering. Women and men are shaped by it, but unfortunately at this time women more than men, hence why we have now the Incel phenomenon cropping up everywhere. This woman is blaming porn as among the major factors for the present state of affairs, and I believe she is right. I would put the fashion and cosmetics industries in there as well. As opposed to the 1960s, since the 1970s mainstream (white-oriented) Western feminism has encouraged this state of affairs, framing it as liberation when it obviously isn't. In fact, it is straight up indentured servitude. All of this has had a cumulative effect on the female population of this generation, so here we are. Don't compare yourself to what is out there. What is presently out there will probably even blow your mind as it did mine. Sadia Khan is speaking to this sorry state of affairs and she has more than just a point. The selfishness, greed and straight up demonic narcissism is on an unparalleled level ATM. This wasn't our generation, but it is the present one, esp. the 20-somethings.


That said, I put this note in the draft for the card of Eve, and I stand by it:


... the (post-)modern West has actually confounded the problem and merely sublimated its outward control over female sexuality into the complete illusion of its liberation thereby subjugating it even further. So, no, ours is not the proverbial ‘Age of Venus’; unless, that is, Venus be taken as inhabiting a gilded prison of the mind controlled by the male gods which she does not even see and which is policed by their rules that she has unthinkingly internalized. The only difference between yesterday and today – or that between Abrahamic or traditional cultures that continue to follow the antiquated ways around the control of women and female sexuality and the contemporary West - is how these control mechanisms are being represented as liberation when the actual fact of the matter is that the (post-)modern capitalist West and its values is as patriarchal as it can possibly get: values which have subtly but in a determined, systematic manner imprisoned women beyond what their forebearers even did or what those so-called “backward” easterners or Global Southerners are presently doing. As one correspondent – a middle-class Global South woman from a traditional Muslim background - in social media aptly put it: …Today’s woman is more imprisoned than ever before. She walks with a million infections in her mental and emotional world (fear of abandonment, rejection, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, envy, low self-esteem, free leeching of her sexual vitality through casual dating) which makes her more tired and drained than women in the past were from all the cooking and cleaning they did after their husbands and kids. Many of my peers in their early/ late twenties are financially independent women but then go and spend those funds on makeup/nails/ fashion/surgery pandering to male fetishes which is just another form of patriarchy. So much for their pseudo-independence and liberation!" (communication, 15 February 2024); see also Shahid Bolsen, “They hate women, truly!,” https://youtu.be/gVjBzkWDRiw?si=51jpzrwe3qbI_Dkc (retrieved 15 February 2024) and https://archive.org/details/they-hate-women-truly (retrieved 15 February 2024).

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