How istikhāra/bibliomancy is made with the Bayān



As with the Qur'ān, there likewise exists a science of istikhāra/bibliomancy with the Bayān: a science that has not been Revealed until now. This is how it works. First, every gate of the Bayān is governed by one of the Divine Names detailed in the Book of the Names of All-Things (كتاب الأسماء كلّشيء) from the first, which is آله (the One Who Deifies or makes Deities) to واقي (the Overlord), the 361st Name (note: that all Divine Names in the Names of All-Things occur in their primary instance in the Form III فاعل). A key to understanding the inner spirit guiding each of the 361 gates of the Bayān is to follow this scheme by corresponding the appropriate Divine Name of the 361 Names of All-Things to each of the 361 gates of the Book.

Now, other than a very meager handful that close specifically in Persian, each gate of the Persian Bayān always closes with an Arabic verse in the 1st Grade, i.e. Arabic verses like the verses of the Qur'ān. Whenever istikhāra/bibliomancy is made with the Persian Bayān, these concluding Arabic verses are the answer to the question of the istikhāra/bibliomancy together with the Divine Name that governs the specific gate that has come up. If an answer is vague or unclear then the final clause of the closing Arabic verse is put to the science of letters and numbers and corresponded to words or phrases that hold the same numerical value. When this is accomplished, the Divine Name governing the gate in question plus the numerically equivalent phrase to the final clause of the Arabic verse constitutes the answer of the istikhāra/bibliomancy.

Obviously, these are secrets of the Book now Revealed that the founder of bahaism nor any of his successors had the remotest clue about.


And God guides whosoever It Wills unto the Knowledge of Certainty of Its Book!


وَاللَّهُ يَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ إِلَى عِلمِ اليَقِينِ بِكتَابهِ

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