Successfully fighting the occult war against the corporate shayṭān




Some of you have already seen this in several places I have published it along with. This is the square of Hānāʾīl (هانائيل) who in my system represents the Angel of the Earth, i.e. my hebreo-arabization of the Mazdaean Spendarmat (i.e. the archangel of the Earth). The numerical value of this angel's name is 98 which is equivalent to the letters of the phrase of affirmation (حروف الإثبات) of the tahlīl ( إلّا الله). As I have rejected the exclusive correspondence of the sawāqit letters (ف ج ش ث ظ خ ز) with the Greatest Name calligram, I have also developed an alphabet of the Greatest Name itself wherewith the name of the angel is spelled out at the bottom of the square with them. This alphabet of the Greatest Name is detailed in my unpublished Liber Nomeni Angelis. Two aqlām/khanfatarīyāt/falaqṭayr (lunette sigils) exclusive to the angel occur on the right and left side of the square with the heptadic form of the Greatest Name completed by the sigil of the earth as the ogdoad.


This square was successfully utilized during 2015 in a magical operation targeting a big local mining company who was seeking to acquire a big property in the local hinterland here in order to build a frivolous quarry. Had the quarry gone through and been built, it would have disturbed an entire local ecosystem and over time destroyed much of the flora, fauna and natural habitat to many animals in the area. Therefore, the purpose of this square is for earth-related matters and it is mujarrab (experienced) in terms of targeting powers and entities who seek to disrupt and/or destroy ecosystems and the natural environment. In other words, it is a weapon against the all-devouring corporate capitalist shayṭān with its war against Mother Nature.


I have recommended this square to environmental activists in the Brazilian Amazon fighting big agribusinesses, mining companies and the mafia who are actively destroying the Amazon ecosystem as well as the local indigenous peoples still living there. Colleagues connected to the Zapatistas of Mexico have also been given this square to help them push back against the satanic forces of global capitalism and the corrupt Mexican establishment who are arrayed against them.


So, while people are mainly talking here and elsewhere about how to make their individual, material lives better by employing the occult, not too many people are talking about how to utilize the occult to make the collective condition of humanity and the earth better than it is by being active participants with the Spirit Itself against the malevolent, physical forces of hell donning suits and ties who are actively ripping this earth apart and incrementally destroying all life upon it as we speak. This is what I am interested in doing: stopping such forces.


Who among seasoned magicians and occultists will stand with me?


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