Response to Environmental-Yam934

 Reddit (@Reddit) / X

Reddit is doing weird things to my comments. Not posting them when it says it does, etc. This is a big tech company. Its history of censorship is legion. Messing with people on this level is easy as drinking water for  it. After all most of these US social media tech companies are extensions of the US National Security and surveillance apparatus. So if someone working for even one of these companies doesn’t like you – like numerous Baha’is – they can mess with you electronically in a variety of ways. The Evil Archon is US-based with many sets of its tentacles being manned by Baha’is and similar. I’ve gone back and forth at this level with these mofos since the ‘00s, and don’t even give a crap anymore. Let them think they are in control. Whatever.

In any case, as for your answer about Western philosophy, which I am putting on the blog.

Great is a relative term, since the West is not great. Instead it is banal and mediocre that through various accidents of history saw itself become dominant, and then via its dominance normalized and imposed its mediocrity and banality upon the planet as a whole. Western philosophy is a case in point. It rejected ontology and philosophia (in the true sense of that word), and by the time of Heidegger outright rejected metaphysics itself altogether even when pretending to ontological perspectives, as Heidegger does. Since Descartes Western philosophy has been in a progressive free-fall, a proverbial Plotinian tolma, or what the Lurianic kabbalah contextualizes as the shattering of the holy sparks and their entrapment in matter: a POV increasingly quantifying the world into blindness from first principles. As much as I disagree with Guénon about a great many things, on this point he is 100% correct: Westernism and its modalities of thought represent the reign of quantity and the denuding of quality from life. The resulting outcome is the ecological crisis this world is presently facing, never mind the explosion of mental illness and alienation that has gripped the planet as a whole from one end to the other.

Whitehead's process philosophy is interesting, but he is no Mulla Sadra nor does his process philosophy even begin to address what Mulla Sadra addresses globally with his transubstantial motion (haraka jawhariya). Ludwig Wittgenstein I don't even consider to be a real philosopher, but a pseudo-linguist LARPing at being a philosopher. His Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is sophistry (as Plato defines it) instead masquerading as philosophy.

The "Occidental crypt" is a trope from Suhrawardi's Tale of the Occidental Exile, and a trope I used repeatedly in the Completion of the Bayan.

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