Email to the National Spiritual Assembly of Australia and the uhj re: Subh-i-Azal

 Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Subh-i-Azal


13 September 2024

To whom it may concern:


It has been brought to my attention as the head of the Bayani community and its present Living Mirror that your organization has attempted at various stages online to claim some status of trademark, copyright and/or ownership over the topic and name of Subh-i-Azal (d. 1912).

Please be advised that neither in the past, the present or the future does your organization possess any legitimate rights - whether in law or otherwise - to either the name, the memory, the life, the works, effects and legacy of Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i-Azal, especially given the fact that as of 1867-8 CE Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i-Azal unequivocally repudiated in word, in deed and in writing your founder, Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri Baha'u'llah (d. 1892), together with the very legitimacy of your creed. Indeed, according to the explicit texts of the writings and epistles of Subh-i-Azal, your founder was the arch-breaker and violator of the Covenant of the Bayan - and I, for my part, have extended that appellation to be inclusive of yourselves as well, that is, Covenant Breakers of the Bayan.

Given this, if you persist in this present course of action that you are on, official complaints will be lodged against your organization, while media publicity will be sought with such complaints, with a potential suit brought against you as well in a court of law. You have no intrinsic or extrinsic right in law (or otherwise) to either the name of Subh-i-Azal, his memory, his life, his works, effects or legacy. In short, where the entirety of the Bayani community is concerned, you are illegitimate interlopers and are merely attempting to illegally appropriate the memory, life, work, effects and legacy of a well established enemy of your creed and its founder who is on record for denouncing you, the entirety of your creed, and its founder. 

You are hereby put on notice.


Wahid Azal

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