Open Secret


You see this screenshot attached? This is an open secret. It is also what the German Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office) in Berlin themselves suggested to me in 2019. However, there is no material way to prove it. But, yes, this is what I also believe and what the German Bundeskriminalamt also say is what could've happened where a collusion occurred between the German far-right and the Baha'is.

In Germany and throughout the West the Baha'is are an extension of the Zionist lobby. The Israelis are tight with the current generation of the German far-right with the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) essentially acting as one of Israel's extreme anti-immigration lobby groups in Germany and now also the EU parliament.

Roya and I were engaged in a pitched ideological and physical battle with the German far-right in our neighborhood of Niederschönhausen, Pankow, East Berlin as well as simultaneously with the Baha'is on the national level: a battle we were winning at the time since it was Roya's friendship with the whistle-blower Franziska Schreiber that was instrumental in forcing Hans-Georg Maaßen out of his role as *President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution* (which is a fancy way of saying *intelligence chief*).

Through our friendship and contact with exbahai and prominent Swiss Baha'i-critic, Francesco Ficicchia, Roya was also pushing through German freedom of information legislation to obtain all court records from the 1980s that legally banned the Haifan Baha'i organization in Germany until around 2013-14 when this ban was without explanation lifted and overturned by a Stuttgart administrative court. Had we obtained these records, we were planning to translate and publicize them far and wide because they showed that the West German establishment of the 1980s correctly assessed the Haifan Baha'i organization as a cult whose values were inimical to that of any "liberal democracy." After nearly 4-years of bureaucratic bottle-necking - all of whose communications I still possess - we were on the cusp of obtaining these court records from the 1980s when Roya mysteriously passed away on the night of 11 March 2019.

These combination of facts raised all of the German Bundeskriminalamt's flags in the case during 2019 with they themselves suggesting to me a possible collusion between the far-right and the Baha'is in the mysterious passing of Roya, since Germany has a recent history of such bizarre assassinations and murders, many of which remain unsolved to this day. The assassinations of Iranian and Kurdish activists and dissidents during the 1990s - the Mykonos Restaurant assassinations or the murder of Fereydoun Farrokhzad in 1992 - being examples among countless others.

Now, there is a long history of Baha'is murdering Azalis (Bayanis), which is what Roya and I are. Additionally, there is a long history of Baha'is murdering their own dissidents or whistle-blowers, like they did to Dan Jordan in 1982 after which they first blamed the Islamic Republic; and after that didn't get anywhere, they claimed Dan Jordan had been gay and had sought out a male prostitute who killed him. You put all such facts together, and all fingers start to point at the Haifan uhj Baha'i organization.


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