Mulla Sadra course (now enrolling)


Reading the Wisdom of the Throne (hikmat al-'arshiya) together with Izutsu's translation of Sabzevari's sharh al-manzumah (commentary on the philosophical poem). These two texts constitute epitomes of the hikmati perspective of Iranian Islamic philosophy in its primacy of Being trajectory (asalat al-wujud).

For those interested, I have begun enrollments. The course will be $60 U$D and is payable via PayPal <>. Just like the fusus course, it will go for half a year. The course will more than likely start as of Saturday, 18th of January 2025.


The Wisdom of the Throne (English translation by JW. Morris)

Sharḥ-i-Manzūma (English translation of T. Izutsu)

Ḥikmat al-Arshīyah (Persian translation by M. Khājavī with Arabic text)