The end of the Axis of Resistance (a post Facebook took down)


With fall of the Assadist Baath regime in Syria, the so-called Axis of Resistance is officially now history. Among the reasons for its demise was not just the Western imperialist onslaught against it. It also had to do with the fact that it was represented by irredeemably corrupt and uber-authoritarian actors and regimes - actors and regimes who largely bought into their own hype without anything to show for it - never mind that these actors and regimes did not enjoy popular support beyond their own diehard supporters.

With the Assad regime gone, the Islamic Republic of Iran is most certainly next - and you can take this to the bank. However, a regime change in Iran is not going to be one to the liking of the internal opposition to the IR because Israel and the United States are not interested in seeing a genuine democracy flower in Iran. Instead they are determined to install yet another puppet as they did in 1953.

Now, one takeaway in the story of the rise and fall of the so-called Axis of Resistance, is that you cannot successfully defy Empire and imperialism by erecting cynical authoritarian organizations to do so because authoritarianism is the very the problem that is being confronted. Thus, this was the internal contradiction to the whole enterprise to begin with and why it was always doomed.

However, the fall of regimes like those in Syria, together with the forthcoming fall of the regime in Iran, does not mean the anti-colonial and anti-imperial struggle is over. It means that any anti-colonial and anti-imperial struggle must not replicate the same mistakes as the so-called Resistance Axis did, and this means it must first uproot the cancer of authoritarianism from out of itself.

Know, neither Empire, Western imperialism, or capitalism are as omnipotent as they think they are. They can be defied and they can be overthrown. Change and the transformation of this planet from the clutches of those elitists who are running this planet into the ground is not a lost cause. In fact, a new Cause rises, and perhaps one with the decree of providence itself behind it. So I invite all those who have lost heart and given up hope today, not to do so. Instead open your minds to a different perspective of doing things. The fight goes on and it is indeed the Will of the Creator of the universe Itself that this planet make a collective change for the better and turn a decisive page for its own good because there is a God Who stands with the oppressed and downtrodden everywhere and against the corrupt and oppressors everywhere!

Keep hope alive!